It takes a bit of courage and determination to focus ones attention towards machines, when there seems to be more and more, so-called cheaper ones in the world market today. Quality Machines give the end user dependability, safety, efficiency and value. At best, cheap machines give temporary satisfaction, and performance, and in the end, cost the user dearly, and loss of interest.

The pressure of competition in the business world has been heightened further by the phenomena of GLOBALIST ION. THE TAMALES therefore are here to offer you a hand in sorting out your business questions; i.e How to start business? Which business is profitable? Which machines are the best? We remain the only firm in the world that offers free business consultancy services.


Generally speaking, our machines are money makers. How? Buy one machine and create yourself a job; or you can earn a side-income when you set up a side business. With science and technology at play, competition for the few jobs available is becoming tougher and tougher.

A forward looking man therefore remains with one option; creating himself a job. If you are a salary earner somewhere, please plan for a side income with any of our machines to supplement on your salary in-order to meet your social-financial obligations. Never depend on one salary because a cheque may be too small for your financial responsibilities or may sometimes delay or you may be retrenched or reach retirement age, yet your children have to go to school plus feeding them.

Join us in creating jobs; thus fighting poverty. A poor person has no place in today’s world. Being Sole Agents for manufactures of these machines from Euro-America in East Africa we are proud of continued stock, quality machines, rock bottom prices and after-sales services by our experienced backup team of technicians. Check with us first before you buy from else where. You are welcome in the world of money.

While you save by equipping you institution or company with our machines, you can again make a lot of money by offering services to the public. Our machines have been nicknamed “Money Makers”